Knowledge and the streams of quantum consciousness

Knowledge and the streams of quantum consciousness

“Knowledge leads to acceptance. Acceptance leads to the activation of the inner force that faith leads to the fulfilment of the accepted thought,to materialization. To experience all these, alllllow yourselves to live in joy, peace and harmony.  Accept that everything is possible and your life will be filled with events, situations, moments that will bring you happiness, peace and harmony.

So once you have discovered, felt and experienced something, everything becomes easy and at hand. After you have fulfilled something, you start believing in a different way of living,and a new neural network is created at the cerebral levels that takes you to fulfilment. After you materialized something, you start daring to do this and so, that neural network becomes attitude.”

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23 de recenzii pentru Knowledge and the streams of quantum consciousness

  1. Patricia Costache
    mai 4, 2023

    Pick a cup of tea and this book. If you want to deep dive in the quantum physics and apply the proper techniques for a better life, than you have the answers in this wonderful book!

  2. Teodora Munteanu
    mai 4, 2023

    A book that enhances understanding most of all. To be aware of the interconected universe we live in makes life an elevated experience to create and enjoy your true potential. Mind over matter.

  3. Mihaela Manoliu
    mai 5, 2023

    „Knowledge unlocks the power to BE” is my favorite quote from this guidebook, which I return to regularly.
    We learn, among other fascinating things, about the vibration of thoughts, how to develop the courage, will and perseverance to change our minds and, by implication, our lives. Every page instills the desire to live a wonderful life, a conscious life. I highly recommend this practical guide of quantum psychology!

  4. Ioana Martineac
    mai 5, 2023

    It is said that Knowledge is power. And this infinite power involves dissolving our ignorance and assuming the responsability of this knowledge. When you gather knowledge through experience you understand that this is the path to evolution, harmony and conscious creation. True knowledge always brings the mind and the heart together and by this we manifest the love of our Divine Spirit.

    A book that empowers and has the power to extend your mind with simplicity so you comprehend the knowledge that the author has gained so beautifully. As in all of her books, she gives us more than we can see at first but which gradually extends within us as long as we are willing to receive it.

    Through all her books we have the joy to grow beautifully. Let’s choose to do so! What a magnificent world we would create!

  5. Alina Munteanu
    mai 5, 2023

    This an excellent introduction to quantum physics and written so even I could understand. Dealing with theory and very little math was great. I really like this book and I highly recommend it.

  6. Cristina Gavrilita
    mai 5, 2023

    Love it!

  7. Simona Ivan
    mai 5, 2023

    It is the first book by a Romanian author written in English that I wanted to have in the library along with the whole collection.

  8. Monica Bucur
    mai 5, 2023

    Knowledge is power ! Thanks Niculina !

  9. Diana Popescu
    mai 5, 2023

    This wonderful book opens the way in understanding how knowledge expands your extraordinary abilities with which you are born.

  10. Edith-Simona Miclăuș
    mai 5, 2023

    Another fabulous book written by Niculina Gheorghiță! Why? Because,, Ignorance is a choice”, I quoted the author, and knowledge is a secret, a treasure that empowers and elevates you. Through knowledge we are creators, we have freedom of choice, we are no longer afraid and we trust ourselves. I recommend!

  11. Verzea Florentina
    mai 5, 2023

    This is a wonderful book written for human evolution . I read it with love !

  12. Laura Pătrașcu
    mai 5, 2023

    „I am powerful as I alwsys have the choice” is one of the sayings learnt from Niculina. If you have knowledge, you can choose to make conscious choices and thus become the creator of our own reality. I am grateful for the great insights learnt through your teachings, Niculina! Big thank you!

  13. Matei Alexandru
    mai 5, 2023

    The knowledge I had in this book is particularly valuable. Thank you

  14. dana rusu
    mai 5, 2023

    A really wonderfull book, complex and yet verry approachable, a tool to understand quantum physics and it s potential to change our lives.

  15. Andreea Costache
    mai 5, 2023

    The Knowledge is the true power!

  16. Mirela
    mai 5, 2023

    knowledge is the key to evolution is great to Find in this book.

  17. Bogdan V.
    mai 5, 2023

    When someoane asks me what I read , I recommend this book . Thank you !

  18. Lucia Romega
    mai 5, 2023

    From this book I learned about important glands in the brain, about the state of conscious presence and how knowledge elevates us to higher flows 💞!

  19. Gafton Anisia
    mai 5, 2023

    Briliant book!!Thank you Niculina for this treasure!

  20. Adam
    mai 5, 2023

    Un cadou bun pentru vorbitorii de engleză.

  21. Florentina
    mai 5, 2023

    Knowledge is one of the most important wealth we can have. Niculina writes us details about this in this book. Thank you!

  22. Delia Socariceanu
    mai 6, 2023

    A book that can and will change your life! Be brave, buy it!

  23. Ramona Roman
    mai 7, 2023

    It is a wonderful book! Thank you, Niculina!

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Niculina Gheorghiță

Autor Psiholog Clinician Principal

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus id auctor tellus. "

  • Psiholog clinician Principal – acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România
  • Consilier psihospiritual
  • Terapeut licențiat Expert Bowen (nivel master 2) cu două specializări: Corp, minte și Bowen(Ascultând corpul) și Tehnica bowen pentru dureri cervicale acreditat de Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia

Încă din mica copilărie eram atentă la cum funcționa mediul și viața oamenilor. Am început prin observarea mediului, apoi am căutat explicații teoretice. După ce le-am găsit am început să le pun în practică. Astfel de vreo 26 de ani cercetez, studiez și practic în domeniul psihospiritual, în vindecarea sufletească, psihică și fizică și în susținerea celor care mi-au cerut ajutorul. Având astfel de preocupări am participat și prezentat lucrări pe temele vindecării, cunoașterii și dezvoltării ființei umane la diverse Simpozioane și Conferinţe de Terapii alternative, de Psihologie și de Spiritualitate.


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